n. Function: adjective
Synonyms: SURE 1, firm, secure, stable, staunch, strong
Related Words: fixed, held, inextricable, stuck, wedged
Contrasted Words: insecure, loose, shaky, unstable
Synonyms: FAITHFUL 1, ardent, constant, ||dinky-di, liege, loyal, resolute, staunch, steadfast, true
3 moving, proceeding, or acting with great celerity FF1C; a fast horse FF1E;
Synonyms: breakneck, expeditious, expeditive, fleet, harefooted, hasty, posthaste, quick, raking, rapid, snappy, speedy, swift
Related Words: active, alert, brisk, keen, lively
Idioms: quick as lightning, quick as thought, swift as an arrow
Contrasted Words: lethargic, logy, poky, sluggish, tardy, torpid; languid, languorous; deliberate, gradual
Antonyms: slow
4 persistent in adhering to something FF1C; a fast grip FF1E;
Synonyms: firm, fixed, secure, set, tenacious, tight; compare STABLE 4 , SURE 1
Idioms: stuck fast
Contrasted Words: insecure, loose, relaxed, unfirm, weak; free, unattached, unfixed
Synonyms: WILD 7, devil-may-care, gay, raffish, rakehell, rakish, sporty
Synonyms: LICENTIOUS 2, incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libertine, libidinous, lustful, salacious, satyric
7 sexually promiscuous--usually used of a woman FF1C; she's said to be fast FF1E;
Synonyms: easy, light, loose, ||riggish, unchaste, wanton, whorish
Related Words: careless, heedless, lax, slack; bawdy, indecent; lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libertine, licentious, lickerish, riotous
Idioms: no better than one should be, of easy virtue
Contrasted Words: chaste, decent, decorous, modest, moral, pure, virtuous