adj. Function: adjective
too obviously extravagant or ingratiating to be accepted as genuine or sincere FF1C; offering sickeningly fulsome praise FF1E;
Synonyms: oily, oleaginous, slick, smarmy, soapy, unctious, unctuous
Related Words: canting, holier-than-thou, hypocritical, pecksniffian, pharisaical, sanctimonious; bland, glib, honey-mouthed, honey-tongued, ingratiating, mealy-mouthed, oily-tongued, smooth, smooth-tongued, suave; buttery, flattering, wheedling; excessive, extravagant, exuberant, lavish, profuse; cloying, satiating, sating; bombastic, grandiloquent, magniloquent
Contrasted Words: earnest, genuine, heartfelt, hearty, sincere, true, truthful, unfeigned, wholehearted, whole-souled