ˈfu̇lsəm also -lts- adjective
Etymology: Middle English fulsom, from ful, full full + -som -some — more at full (adjective)
a. : copious , abundant
b. obsolete : plump , fat
2. obsolete : lustful , wanton
a. : offensive to sense or appetite : nauseating, sickening
fulsome richness of the food
b. : offensive to moral or aesthetic sensibility : repulsive , disgusting
fulsome prejudices
fulsome language
c. : offensive from insincerity or baseness of motive
fulsome politeness
fulsome praise
fulsome compliments
trying not to be fulsome to make up for his coldness at the governor's party — C.S.Forester
4. : counter to the norms of propriety or social usage : displaying bad taste
the fulsome chromium glitter of the escalators — Lewis Mumford
a fulsome prose style
• ful·some·ly adverb
• ful·some·ness noun -es