n. Function: adjective
1 large and impressive in size, scope, extent, or conception FF1C; the platform provided a grand view of the canyon FF1E;
Synonyms: august, baronial, grandiose, imposing, lordly, magnific, magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, royal, stately; compare HUGE
Related Words: monumental, prodigious, stupendous, tremendous; towering; gorgeous, splendid, sublime, superb
Contrasted Words: measly, paltry, petty, puny, trifling, trivial
2 marked by great magnificence, display, and usually ceremony or formality FF1C; delighted to attend the grand presidential fete FF1E;
Synonyms: gorgeous, impressive, lavish, luxurious, splendid, sumptuous
Related Words: magnificent, majestic; flashy, garish, gaudy, ornate, ostentatious, showy
Contrasted Words: crude, meretricious, obtrusive, vulgar; flimsy, tawdry
3 noble in character or spirit FF1C; a grand outlook on life FF1E;
Synonyms: elevated, exalted, lofty, sublime, superb
Related Words: magnificent, splendid
Contrasted Words: average, common, commonplace, ordinary; base, lowly, mean, poor