Meaning of HONOR in English

n. Function: noun

1 respect or esteem shown one as his due or claimed by one as a right FF1C; received the honor due his rank FF1E;

Synonyms: deference, homage, obeisance, reverence

Related Words: admiration, esteem; adoration, adulation, devotion, veneration, worship; acknowledgment, compliment, recognition, regard, respect

Contrasted Words: contempt, despite, disdain, scorn; disregard, neglect, slighting

Antonyms: dishonor

2 an evidence or symbol of distinction FF1C; received many honors for her devoted public service FF1E;

Synonyms: accolade, award, badge, bays, decoration, distinction, kudos, laurels

Related Words: deference, esteem, respect; admiration, approval


Synonyms: HONESTY , honestness, honorableness, incorruption, integrity

Contrasted Words: disgrace, ignominy, shame

Antonyms: dishonor, dishonorableness

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.