adj. Function: adjective
1 impossible to comprehend in the absence of actual experience or knowledge FF1C; color is inconceivable to those born blind FF1E;
Synonyms: incomprehensible, unimaginable, unknowable, ununderstandable
Idioms: beyond one's grasp
Contrasted Words: comprehensible, imaginable, knowable, understandable
Antonyms: conceivable
Synonyms: INCREDIBLE 1, incogitable, insupposable, unbelievable, unimaginable, unthinkable
Antonyms: conceivable
Synonyms: IMPLAUSIBLE , flimsy, improbable, incredible, thin, unbelievable, unconceivable, unconvincing, unsubstantial, weak
Contrasted Words: believable, convincing, credible, plausible
Antonyms: conceivable