That sort of mistake was almost inconceivable , in an age of mass communications.
It was then that a plan came to his low mind so wicked that you will think it almost inconceivable .
Life here in this part of Maine is almost inconceivable without wood and woods.
It's inconceivable that university officials would fire someone as talented and loyal as Professor Schultz.
Many people thought it was inconceivable that the crash could have been an accident.
The amount of time and money they have wasted on the project is inconceivable .
The slaughter to thousands of innocent US citizens would have been inconceivable until recently.
When I was a boy, having a bath every day was an inconceivable luxury.
I have too many rejections in my files, and another would be inconceivable at this time.
It is inconceivable that any corpus should provide occurrences of all of these possibilities.
It took Mitchell a second to understand what she had done, this inconceivable act; that she had fouled him.
Language is central to individual human development; human society is inconceivable without it.
Life here in this part of Maine is almost inconceivable without wood and woods.
The opening of a score of nuclear sites in some six years by conventional administrative procedures alone was inconceivable .
To him it was inconceivable to be at sea without trailing a hook in the water.
To me it seems inconceivable that a single human life on earth is the beginning and end of it all.