v. Function: verb
1 to keep in a state of repair, efficiency, or validity FF1C; he followed a careful regimen to maintain his good health FF1E;
Synonyms: keep up, preserve, save, sustain; compare SAVE 3
Related Words: husband, manage; care (for), cultivate; guard, protect
Contrasted Words: disregard, ignore, neglect, omit, overlook, slight
2 to uphold as true, right, proper, or acceptable often in the face of challenge or indifference FF1C; I maintain that his actions were justified by the circumstances FF1E;
Synonyms: argue, assert, claim, contend, defend, justify, vindicate, warrant
Related Words: affirm, aver, avouch, avow, declare, profess, protest; emphasize, insist, persist, stress; correct, rectify, right
Contrasted Words: contradict, deny, gainsay, traverse; challenge, query, question
Synonyms: SUPPORT 3, provide (for)