Meaning of SHABBY in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 being ill-kept and showing signs of wear and tear FF1C; a shabby neighborhood full of depressing tenements FF1E;

Synonyms: bedraggled, broken-down, decrepit, dilapidated, dingy, disreputable, down-at-heel, faded, mangy, moth-eaten, run-down, scrubby, scruffy, seedy, shoddy, sleazy, slipshod, squalid, tacky, tagrag, tattered, threadbare, tired

Related Words: disfigured, dog-eared; decaying, deteriorated, deteriorating; ramshackle, ratty, rickety; bare, miserable, neglected, poor, poverty-stricken; sordid; worm-eaten; outworn, worn-out; abandoned, desolate, ruined, ruinous, wrecked

Idioms: gone to seed

Contrasted Words: neat, spick-and-span, tidy, trig, trim, well-kept; brand-new, fresh, new; unused

Antonyms: spruce


Synonyms: CONTEMPTIBLE , beggarly, cheap, despicable, despisable, mean, pitiable, scummy, scurvy, sorry


Synonyms: DISREPUTABLE 1, discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable, ignominious, inglorious, shady, shameful, shoddy, unrespectable

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