adj. Function: adjective
Synonyms: RETARDED , backward, dim-witted, dull, feebleminded, half-witted, imbecile, moronic, simple, slow-witted
Related Words: limited; ||dunch
2 moving, flowing, or proceeding at less than the usual, desirable, or required speed FF1C; a slow advance toward mutual understanding FF1E;
Synonyms: deliberate, dilatory, laggard, leisurely, unhasty, unhurried
Related Words: measured, slowish, steady; unhasting, unhurrying; slow-footed, slow-going, slow-paced; plodding, poky, rusty; dragging, flagging, halting, lagging, straggling; dawdling, delaying, postponing, procrastinating; leaden, sluggish; crawling, snaillike, snail-paced, ultra-slow
Idioms: as slow as a swamp turtle, as slow as molasses in January
Contrasted Words: blitz, lightning, quick, rapid, swift; fast-going, fast-moving, fast-paced, rapid-paced
Antonyms: fast
3 marked by reduced economic activity (as in sales or patronage) FF1C; trading was slow on the commodity exchange today FF1E;
Synonyms: down, off, slack, sluggish
Related Words: moderate; reduced; low; inactive, stagnant
Contrasted Words: active; up; heavy