Meaning of WHOLE in English

n. Function: adjective

1 free from damage, defect, or flaw FF1C; feared the eggs were broken but found them whole FF1E;

Synonyms: entire, flawless, good, intact, perfect, sound, unblemished, unbroken, undamaged, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmarred, untouched

Related Words: complete, plenary; healthy, well

Contrasted Words: broken, damaged, defective, impaired, injured, marred


Synonyms: HEALTHY 1, ||bunkum, fit, hale, right, sane, well, well-conditioned, well-liking, wholesome

3 lacking nothing that properly belongs to it FF1C; the effect of the whole mural FF1E;

Synonyms: choate, complete, entire, full, integral, perfect

Related Words: orbicular, rounded, well-rounded

Antonyms: partial

4 including every constituent element or individual FF1C; the whole community rose to his defense FF1E;

Synonyms: all, complete, entire, gross, outright, total

Antonyms: partial

5 not scattered or dispersed FF1C; gave the matter her whole attention FF1E;

Synonyms: concentrated, exclusive, fixed, undistracted, undivided, unswerving

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.