n. Function: adjective
1 living and growing in a state of nature and without human intervention FF1C; lived on wild plants and game animals FF1E;
Synonyms: agrarian, agrestal, native, natural, uncultivated, undomesticated; compare SAVAGE 1
Related Words: escaped, feral; unsubdued, untamed
Antonyms: cultivated, domesticated
Synonyms: SAVAGE 1, feral, vicious
Antonyms: tame, tamed
Synonyms: IRRESPONSIBLE , carefree, careless, feckless, incautious, reckless, uncareful
Related Words: adventurous, audacious, daring, dashing; brash, cocksure, rash
Synonyms: FURIOUS 2, corybantic, delirious, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, mad, rabid
Related Words: bewildered, distracted, perplexed; agitated, perturbed, upset; addled, confused, muddled; crazy, demented, deranged, mad
Contrasted Words: easy, relaxed
Synonyms: UNRULY 1, fractious, intractable, recalcitrant, uncontrollable, undisciplinable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, untoward
6 marked by turmoil and fury especially of natural elements FF1C; a wild night of howling winds and driving snow FF1E;
Synonyms: blustering, blustery, ||coarse, dirty, furious, raging, rough, stormful, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent
Related Words: blatant, boisterous, clamorous, ungovernable, unruly; brutal, harsh, severe
Contrasted Words: calm, peaceful, placid, quiet, stormless; halcyon, irenic, serene
7 given to unrestrained self-indulgence and pursuit of pleasure FF1C; her son got in with a wild bunch and took to drink FF1E;
Synonyms: devil-may-care, fast, gay, raffish, rakehell, rakish, sporty
Related Words: boisterous, roisterous, rollicking, swaggering; careless, heedless, irresponsible, thoughtless; lewd, loose, unchaste, wanton
Contrasted Words: moderate, restrained, sober, sparing, temperate; bridled, controlled, curbed; self-controlled
Synonyms: EXTRAVAGANT 1, fantastic, preposterous
Synonyms: BARBARIAN 1, barbaric, barbarous, Gothic, Hunnish, rude, savage, uncivil, uncivilized, uncultivated
Antonyms: cultivated, cultured
Synonyms: BARBARIC 1, barbarian, barbarous, graceless, outlandish, tasteless, vulgar