transcription, транскрипция: [ paɪp ]
( pipes, piping, piped)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A pipe is a long, round, hollow object, usually made of metal or plastic, through which a liquid or gas can flow.
They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling...
A pipe is an object which is used for smoking tobacco. You put the tobacco into the cup-shaped part at the end of the pipe, light it, and breathe in the smoke through a narrow tube.
A pipe is a simple musical instrument in the shape of a tube with holes in it. You play a pipe by blowing into it while covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers.
An organ pipe is one of the long hollow tubes in which air vibrates and produces a musical note.
If liquid or gas is piped somewhere, it is transferred from one place to another through a pipe.
The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water...
The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir...
Most of the houses in the capital don’t have piped water.
VERB : be V-ed prep , V n with adv , V-ed
see also piping , piping hot