transcription, транскрипция: [ rɪd ]
( rids, ridding)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
Note: The form 'rid' is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle of the verb.
When you get rid of something that you do not want or do not like, you take action so that you no longer have it or suffer from it.
The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons...
PHRASE : V inflects , PHR n
If you get rid of someone who is causing problems for you or who you do not like, you do something to prevent them affecting you any more, for example by making them leave.
He believed that his manager wanted to get rid of him for personal reasons...
PHRASE : V inflects , PHR n
If you rid a place or person of something undesirable or unwanted, you succeed in removing it completely from that place or person.
The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption...
= free
VERB : V n of n
If you rid yourself of something you do not want, you take action so that you no longer have it or are no longer affected by it.
Why couldn’t he ever rid himself of those thoughts, those worries?
= free
VERB : V pron-refl of n
If you are rid of someone or something that you did not want or that caused problems for you, they are no longer with you or causing problems for you.
The family had sought a way to be rid of her and the problems she had caused them.
ADJ : v-link ADJ of n