rid 1
— ridder , n.
/rid/ , v.t., rid or ridded, ridding .
1. to clear, disencumber, or free of something objectionable (usually fol. by of ): I want to rid the house of mice. In my opinion, you'd be wise to rid yourself of the smoking habit.
2. to relieve or disembarrass (usually fol. by of ): to rid the mind of doubt.
3. Archaic. to deliver or rescue: to rid them out of bondage; to rid him from his enemies.
4. be rid of , to be free of or no longer encumbered by: to be rid of obligations.
5. get rid of , to eliminate or discard: It's time we got rid of this trash.
[ 1150-1200; ME ridden (v.), OE ( ge ) ryddan to clear (land); c. ON rythja to clear, empty ]
rid 2
/rid/ , v. Archaic.
a pt. and pp. of ride .