transcription, транскрипция: [ θʌrə, AM θɜ:roʊ ]
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A thorough action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in a detailed way so that nothing is forgotten.
We are making a thorough investigation...
How thorough is the assessment?
ADJ : usu ADJ n
• thor‧ough‧ly
Food that is being offered hot must be reheated thoroughly.
ADV : ADV with v
• thor‧ough‧ness
The thoroughness of the evaluation process we went through was impressive.
Someone who is thorough is always very careful in their work, so that nothing is forgotten.
Martin would be a good judge, I thought. He was calm and thorough...
ADJ : usu v-link ADJ
• thor‧ough‧ness
His thoroughness and attention to detail is legendary.
Thorough is used to emphasize the great degree or extent of something.
We regard the band as a thorough shambles.
= complete
ADJ : det ADJ [ emphasis ]
• thor‧ough‧ly
I thoroughly enjoy your programme...
ADV : ADV before v , ADV adj