(~s, ~ing, ~ed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
If someone is ~ed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble.
The children are not ~ed to watch violent TV programmes...
The Government will ~ them to advertise on radio and television...
They will be ~ed home...
Smoking will not be ~ed.
= permit, let
? forbid
VERB: be V-ed to-inf, V n to-inf, be V-ed adv/prep, be V-ed, also V n/-ing
If you are ~ed something, you are given permission to have it or are given it.
Gifts like chocolates or flowers are ~ed...
He should be ~ed the occasional treat.
= permit
? forbid
VERB: be V-ed, be V-ed n
If you ~ something to happen, you do not prevent it.
He won’t ~ himself to fail...
If the soil is ~ed to dry out the tree could die.
= permit, let
? prevent
VERB: V n to-inf, V n to-inf
If one thing ~s another thing to happen, the first thing creates the opportunity for the second thing to happen.
The compromise will ~ him to continue his free market reforms.
...an attempt to ~ the Moslem majority a greater share of power...
She said this would ~ more effective planning.
= permit, let
? prevent
VERB: V n to-inf, V n n, V n
If you ~ a particular length of time or a particular amount of something for a particular purpose, you include it in your planning.
Please ~ 28 days for delivery...
Allow about 75ml (3fl oz) per six servings.
VERB: V n for n, V n
If you ~ that something is true, you admit or agree that it is true. (FORMAL)
Warren also ~s that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality.
= acknowledge
VERB: V that
Some people use Allow me to... as a way of introducing something that they want to say or do. (FORMAL)
Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg.
= permit me to