v. 1 acknowledge, admit, grant, concede, own He allowed that he had not been completely truthful about his movements that night 2 agree to, concede, cede to, admit, permit, authorize, entertain, consent to The judge said that he would allow a plea of 'guilty with an explanation' 3 permit, let, suffer Please allow the children to select their own friends 4 tolerate, stand (for), brook, sanction, countenance, permit, consider, put up with The headmaster refuses to allow such goings-on at his school 5 give, let (someone) have, appropriate, grant, budget, earmark, assign, allocate, assign, approve The company allowed him $100 a day for expenses 6 make allowance or concession for, set apart or aside, put aside, take into account or consideration; add; deduct You must allow at least an extra hour for the traffic during rush hour The shipper allows ten kilos for the weight of the container.
Meaning of ALLOW in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012