(~s, ~ing, ~ed)
If you ~, you shout in a very loud voice, for example because you are angry or you want people to hear you.
When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and ~ing at each other...
Then a voice ~ed: ‘Lay off! I’ll kill you, you little rascal!’...
He tried to direct the video like a fashion show, ~ing instructions to the girls.
= yell
VERB: V at n, V with quote, V n
Bawl out means the same as ~ .
Someone in the audience ~ed out ‘Not him again!’
PHRASAL VERB: V P with quote, also V P n (not pron), V n P, V P to n
If you say that a child is ~ing, you are annoyed because it is crying loudly.
One of the toddlers was ~ing, and the other had a runny nose.
...a ~ing baby.
VERB: V, V-ing, also V with quote