Meaning of BITE in English

(~s, biting, bit, bitten)

Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.


If you ~ something, you use your teeth to cut into it, for example in order to eat it or break it. If an animal or person ~s you, they use their teeth to hurt or injure you.

Both sisters bit their nails as children...

He bit into his sandwich...

He had bitten the cigarette in two...

Llamas won’t ~ or kick.

VERB: V n, V into n, V n adv/prep, V


A ~ of something, especially food, is the action of biting it.

He took another ~ of apple...

You cannot eat a bun in one ~.

N-COUNT: oft N of n

A ~ is also the amount of food you take into your mouth when you ~ it.

Look forward to eating the food and enjoy every ~.



If you have a ~ to eat, you have a small meal or a snack. (INFORMAL)

It was time to go home for a little rest and a ~ to eat.

N-SING: a N, usu N to-inf


If a snake or a small insect ~s you, it makes a mark or hole in your skin, and often causes the surrounding area of your skin to become painful or itchy.

We were all badly bitten by mosquitoes.

VERB: V n, also V


A ~ is an injury or a mark on your body where an animal, snake, or small insect has bitten you.

Any dog ~, no matter how small, needs immediate medical attention.

N-COUNT: oft n N


When an action or policy begins to ~, it begins to have a serious or harmful effect.

As the sanctions begin to ~ there will be more political difficulties ahead...

The recession started biting deeply into British industry.

VERB: V, V prep/adv


If an object ~s into a surface, it presses hard against it or cuts into it.

There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh...

VERB: V prep/adv, also V, V n


If you say that a food or drink has ~, you like it because it has a strong or sharp taste.

...the addition of tartaric acid to give the wine some ~.

N-UNCOUNT approval


If the air or the wind has a ~, it feels very cold.

There was a ~ in the air, a smell perhaps of snow.



If a fish ~s when you are fishing, it takes the hook or bait at the end of your fishing line in its mouth.

After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on.


Bite is also a noun.

If I don’t get a ~ in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.



see also love ~ , nail-biting


If someone ~s the hand that feeds them, they behave badly or in an ungrateful way towards someone who they depend on.

She may be cynical about the film industry, but ultimately she has no intention of biting the hand that feeds her.

PHRASE: Vs inflect


If you ~ your lip or your tongue, you stop yourself from saying something that you want to say, because it would be the wrong thing to say in the circumstances.

I must learn to ~ my lip...

He bit his tongue as he found himself on the point of saying ‘follow that car’.

PHRASE: V and N inflect


If something takes a ~ out of a sum of money, part of the money is spent or taken away in order to pay for it.

Local taxes are going to be taking a bigger ~ out of people’s income than they ever have before.

PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n


someone’s bark is worse than their ~: see bark

to ~ the bullet: see bullet

to ~ off more than one can chew: see chew

to ~ the dust: see dust

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