Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in ~, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement.
Try to keep any ~ between you and your ex-partner to a minimum...
Employees already are in ~ with management over job cuts...
N-UNCOUNT: oft in/into N
Conflict is a state of mind in which you find it impossible to make a decision.
...the anguish of his own inner ~.
= turmoil
Conflict is fighting between countries or groups of people. (JOURNALISM or WRITTEN)
...talks aimed at ending four decades of ~...
A ~ is a serious difference between two or more beliefs, ideas, or interests. If two beliefs, ideas, or interests are in ~, they are very different.
There is a ~ between what they are doing and what you want...
Do you feel any ~ of loyalties?...
The two objectives are in ~.
N-VAR: oft N between pl-n
If ideas, beliefs, or accounts ~, they are very different from each other and it seems impossible for them to exist together or to each be true.
Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes ~...
He held firm opinions which usually ~ed with my own...
...three powers with ~ing interests.
= clash
V-RECIP: pl-n V, V with n, V-ing