If a way of doing something is ~, it is easy, or very useful or suitable for a particular purpose.
...a flexible and ~ way of paying for business expenses...
The family thought it was more ~ to eat in the kitchen.
? in~
ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf
They may use a credit card for convenience.
The body spray slips ~ly into your sports bag for freshening up after a game.
ADV: usu ADV with v, also ADV with cl
If you describe a place as ~, you are pleased because it is near to where you are, or because you can reach another place from there quickly and easily.
The town is well placed for easy access to London and ~ for Heathrow Airport...
Martin drove along until he found a ~ parking place.
= handy
ADJ: oft ADJ for n approval
It was very ~ly situated just across the road from the City Reference Library...
ADV: usu ADV adj/-ed, also ADV after v, ADV with cl
A ~ time to do something, for example to meet someone, is a time when you are free to do it or would like to do it.
Would this evening be ~ for you?
? in~
If you describe someone’s attitudes or actions as ~, you think they are only adopting those attitudes or performing those actions in order to avoid something difficult or unpleasant.
We cannot make this minority a ~ excuse to turn our backs...
It does seem a bit ~, doesn’t it?
ADJ disapproval
They’ve ~ly forgotten the risk of heart disease...
Conveniently, he had developed amnesia about that part of his life.
ADV: usu ADV before v, also ADV with cl