Meaning of CONVENIENT in English


1. a time or arrangement that is convenient

2. a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick

3. a place that is good because it is near to other places

4. a time or arrangement that causes difficulties


see also





1. a time or arrangement that is convenient

▷ convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ [adjective]

a convenient time to do something is a time that does not cause you any problems, for example because you were not planning to do anything else :

▪ I’d like to talk to the manager - can you suggest a convenient time?

convenient for

▪ We need to arrange a meeting. Would 11 o'clock on Tuesday be convenient for you?

▷ a good time /ə ˌgʊd ˈtaɪm/ especially spoken

a convenient time to do something :

▪ ‘I’m too busy to talk to you now.’ ‘When would be a good time?’

a good time to do something

▪ A good time to reach me is in the evening after 7:00.

a good time for

▪ I’m afraid Friday isn’t a good time for me - I’ve got a dance class.

▷ suit /suːt, sjuːtǁsuːt/ [transitive verb]

if a time or date suits you, it is convenient for you :

▪ Which day would suit you best?

▪ Finding a time that suits everyone is going to be difficult.

▷ be OK/be okay /biː əʊ ˈkeɪ/ spoken informal

if a time or date is OK or is okay, it is convenient for you :

▪ I’ll pick you up by the front gate. Is 10 o'clock OK?

be OK/be okay for

▪ Friday’s probably okay for me, but I’ll check with Jean.

▷ fit in with /ˌfɪt ˈɪn wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive or passive]

if something fits in with your plans, you do not need to change your plans in order to do it :

▪ We’d like to go out for a meal on Thursday evening - does that fit in with your plans?

▷ be good for /biː ˈgʊd fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] spoken

if something, especially an arrangement, time, date etc is good for you, it is convenient because you do not need to change your plans in order to do it :

▪ Ten o'clock is good for me. How about you?

▪ OK, we’ll meet at my house tomorrow night. Is that good for everyone?

2. a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick

▷ convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ [adjective]

a convenient thing or way of doing something is useful because it is quick, easy, and does not cause you any problems :

▪ Credit cards are probably the most convenient way of paying for concert tickets.

it is convenient to do something

▪ I could take the train, but it’s more convenient to go by car.

convenience [countable/uncountable noun]

▪ Many parents prefer the convenience of working at home while their children are small.

▷ handy /ˈhændi/ [adjective]

a handy object or method is easy to use or easy to do :

▪ Many fruit juices are now available in handy little cartons.

▪ It’s a handy way of keeping a record of your spending.

3. a place that is good because it is near to other places

▷ convenient also handy informal /kənˈviːniənt, ˈhændi/ [adjective]

close to a particular place so it is easy to go there :

▪ I leave my umbrella in a convenient spot by the door so I don’t forget it on the way out.

▪ Our daycare center, located right here in the building, is convenient for parents with young children.

convenient for the school/shops/station etc

close to the school etc, so it is easy to get there British

▪ The hotel is very convenient for the station -- it’s only a two-minute walk.

▪ Our house is very handy for the shops.

conveniently [adverb]

▪ My new place is conveniently located across from a supermarket.

4. a time or arrangement that causes difficulties

▷ inconvenient/not convenient /ˌɪnkənˈviːniənt◂, nɒt kənˈviːniənt/ [adjective]

▪ I’m afraid he’s come at an inconvenient time.

inconvenient/not convenient for

▪ I can call you back later if it’s not convenient for you to talk now.

▪ They discussed moving the office to a new building downtown but it wasn’t convenient for most of the staff.

it is inconvenient to do something

▪ If you find it inconvenient to come to the office, we can email the files to you.

▷ a bad time /ə ˌbæd ˈtaɪm/ [noun phrase] especially spoken

a time that is not convenient because you are busy or you have made other plans :

▪ Sorry - have I come at a bad time?

▷ be bad for/be no good for /biː ˈbæd fɔːʳ, biː nəʊ ˈgʊd fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] spoken

if something, especially an arrangement, time, date etc is bad for or is no good for you, it is not convenient because you have other plans :

▪ Saturdays are no good for me. Could we play Fridays instead?

▪ Would it be bad for you if we met at my house instead of yours?

▷ awkward/difficult /ˈɔːkwəʳd, ˈdɪfɪk ə lt/ [adjective]

if something is awkward or difficult, it is inconvenient to do it, especially because it would interrupt something else :

▪ Robson’s resignation comes at an awkward time for the company.

▪ Things are a bit difficult at the moment. Can I call you back this afternoon?

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