(~es ~ing ~ed)
Detox is treatment given to people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol in order to stop them from being addicted.
A patient going through acute ~ will have an assigned nurse nearby.
...a ~ therapist.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
A ~ is a treatment that is intended to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body.
Overhaul your body with a cleansing ~...
Give yourself a healthy glow on our ~ diet.
N-COUNT: oft N n
If someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol ~es, or if another person ~es them, they undergo treatment which stops them from being addicted.
...mums trying to ~ their kids.
...drugs binges and failed attempts to ~.
VERB: V n, V
If you ~, or if something ~es your body, you do something to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body.
It might be an idea to ~ after the indulgences of Christmas...
Honey can help to ~ the body.
VERB: V, V n