(~s, ~ing, ~ed)
If you ~ with someone, you behave as if you are sexually attracted to them, in a playful or not very serious way.
Dad’s ~ing with all the ladies, or they’re all ~ing with him, as usual...
He ~s outrageously.
V-RECIP: V with n, V (non-recip)
~ation (~ations)
...a professor who has a ~ation with a student...
She was aware of his attempts at ~ation.
N-VAR: oft N with n
Someone who is a ~ likes to ~ a lot.
If you ~ with the idea of something, you consider it but do not do anything about it.
Di Pietro, 45, has been ~ing with the idea of a political career.
VERB: V with n
...the party’s brief ~ation with economic liberalism.