Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
Something or someone that is ~ comes from or relates to a country that is not your own. Frankfurt, where a quarter of the population is ~...
She was on her first ~ holiday without her parents.
...a ~ language...
It is the largest ever private ~ investment in the Bolivian mining sector.
In politics and journalism, ~ is used to describe people, jobs, and activities relating to countries that are not the country of the person or government concerned.
...the German ~ minister...
I am the ~ correspondent in Washington of La Tribuna newspaper of Honduras.
...the effects of US ~ policy in the ‘free world’.
A ~ object is something that has got into something else, usually by accident, and should not be there. (FORMAL)
The patient’s immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a ~ object.
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Something that is ~ to a particular person or thing is not typical of them or is unknown to them.
The very notion of price competition is ~ to many schools...
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