1. not from your own country
2. from a different country
3. in or to a different country
someone who enters a country : ↑ ENTER (5-7)
see also
1. not from your own country
▷ foreign /ˈfɒrɪn, ˈfɒrənǁˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ [adjective usually before noun]
not from your own country or not connected with your own country :
▪ Can you speak a foreign language?
▪ Some of the hotels accept foreign currency.
▪ efforts to increase foreign investment
▷ overseas /ˌəʊvəʳˈsiːz◂/ [adjective only before noun] especially British
from or connected with a foreign country, especially one that is a long way away :
▪ The university has a large number of overseas students.
▪ There has been an increase in overseas trade during the last year.
▷ from abroad /frəm əˈbrɔːd/
from another country or from other countries :
▪ There’s a shortage of medical staff, so a lot of the doctors here are from abroad.
▪ She seemed to receive a lot of mail from abroad.
▪ Listening to radio broadcasts from abroad is still a criminal offense in this country.
2. from a different country
▷ foreigner /ˈfɒrɪnəʳ, ˈfɒrənəʳǁˈfɔː-, ˈfɑː-/ [countable noun]
someone who comes from another country - many people consider it impolite to call someone a foreigner :
▪ A lot of foreigners work here illegally.
▪ Saleem felt that people were suspicious of him because he was a foreigner.
▪ About 40 million foreigners visited the US last year.
▷ alien /ˈeɪliən/ [countable noun]
someone who lives or works in your country, but who comes from another country - used especially in legal and official contexts :
▪ Some aliens may qualify for citizenship under the new law.
illegal aliens
▪ The law makes it easier to find and deport illegal aliens.
▷ expatriate especially British also expat British informal /eksˈpætriətǁeksˈpeɪ, ˌeksˈpæt-/ [countable noun]
someone who has gone to live in a foreign country, especially because they have a job there :
▪ I was in Spain for over a year, but most of my friends were expatriates.
▪ Schmidt was a German expatriate who had been living in Portugal since 1989.
expatriate [adjective]
▪ Several expatriate families have left the country since war broke out.
3. in or to a different country
▷ abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ [adverb]
in or to a foreign country :
▪ Katya will make her first trip abroad next month.
live/work/study etc abroad
▪ Our daughter wants to study abroad for a year.
be abroad
▪ Mr Harris is abroad on business this week.
▷ overseas /ˌəʊvəʳˈsiːz◂/ [adverb]
in or to a foreign country, especially one that is a long distance from your own :
▪ Much of the wood harvested in the northwest is shipped overseas.
go/work/travel etc overseas
▪ Douglas often travelled overseas when he was in the army.
▷ emigrate /ˈemɪgreɪt, ˈeməgreɪt/ [intransitive verb]
to leave your own country in order to live permanently in another country :
▪ The couple emigrated in 1987 and are back here on holiday to see friends and relatives.
emigrate from/to
▪ My grandparents emigrated from Italy.
▪ Our son and his wife, Jenny, emigrated to Australia in 1988.