(~s, ~ling, ~led)
Note: in AM, use '~ing', '~ed'
If you ~ at something, you express your great surprise, wonder, or admiration.
Her fellow members ~ed at her seemingly infinite energy...
Sara and I read the story and ~ed...
‘That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen,’ ~ed Carl...
He ~led that a man in such intense pain could be so coherent.
VERB: V at n, V, V with quote, V that
You can describe something or someone as a ~ to indicate that you think that they are wonderful.
The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the ~s of creation...
= wonder
N-COUNT: oft N of n
Marvels are things that people have done, or that have happened, which are very unexpected or surprising.
He’s done ~s with the team...
= wonders
N-COUNT: usu pl