(~s, ~ing, ~ed)
The ~ of an animal is its skin, which can be used to make clothing or rugs.
...a bed covered with beaver ~s.
= hide
N-COUNT: usu pl
If you ~ someone with things, you throw things at them.
Some of the younger men began to ~ one another with snowballs...
VERB: V n with n
If the rain is ~ing down, or if it is ~ing with rain, it is raining very hard. (INFORMAL)
The rain now was ~ing down...
It’s ~ing with rain...
We drove through ~ing rain.
VERB: usu cont, V adv, it V with n, V-ing
If you ~ somewhere, you run there very fast. (INFORMAL)
Without thinking, she ~ed down the stairs in her nightgown.
= dash
VERB: V prep
If you do something full ~ or at full ~, you do it very quickly indeed. (INFORMAL)
Alice leapt from the car and ran full ~ towards the emergency room...
PHRASE: PHR after v