Meaning of SIGN in English

(~s, ~ing, ~ed)

Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.


A ~ is a mark or shape that always has a particular meaning, for example in mathematics or music.

Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals ~.



A ~ is a movement of your arms, hands, or head which is intended to have a particular meaning.

They gave Lavalle the thumbs-up ~...

The priest made the ~ of the cross over him.



If you ~, you communicate with someone using ~ language. If a programme or performance is ~ed, someone uses ~ language so that deaf people can understand it.

All programmes will be either ‘~ed’ or subtitled...

VERB: be V-ed, also V, V n


A ~ is a piece of wood, metal, or plastic with words or pictures on it. Signs give you information about something, or give you a warning or an instruction.

...a ~ saying that the highway was closed because of snow.



If there is a ~ of something, there is something which shows that it exists or is happening.

They are prepared to hand back a hundred prisoners of war a day as a ~ of good will...

Your blood would have been checked for any ~ of kidney failure.

N-VAR: usu with supp, oft N of n


When you ~ a document, you write your name on it, usually at the end or in a special space. You do this to indicate that you have written the document, that you agree with what is written, or that you were present as a witness.

World leaders are expected to ~ a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection...



If an organization ~s someone or if someone ~s for an organization, they ~ a contract agreeing to work for that organization for a specified period of time.

The Minnesota Vikings ~ed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys...

The band then ~ed to Slash Records.

VERB: V n, V to/for n


In astrology, a ~ or a ~ of the zodiac is one of the twelve areas into which the heavens are divided.

The New Moon takes place in your opposite ~ of Libra on the 15th.



see also ~ing , call ~


If you say that there is no ~ of someone, you mean that they have not yet arrived, although you are expecting them to come.

The London train was on time, but there was no ~ of my Finnish friend.

PHRASE: v-link PHR n


to ~ one’s own death warrant: see death warrant

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