(~s, wiring, ~d)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A ~ is a long thin piece of metal that is used to fasten things or to carry electric current.
...fine copper ~.
...gadgets which detect electrical ~s, pipes and timbers in walls.
A ~ is a cable which carries power or signals from one place to another.
I ripped out the telephone ~ that ran through to his office.
...the voltage of the overhead ~s.
= cable
N-COUNT: usu supp N
If you ~ something such as a building or piece of equipment, you put ~s inside it so that electricity or signals can pass into or through it.
...learning to ~ and plumb the house herself...
Each of the homes has a security system and is ~d for cable television.
...a badly ~d appliance.
VERB: V n, be V-ed for n, V-ed
Wire up means the same as ~ .
He was helping ~ up the Channel Tunnel last season...
Wire the thermometers up to trigger off an alarm bell if the temperature drops...
PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P
A ~ is the same as a telegram . (mainly AM)
If you ~ an amount of money to a person or place, you tell a bank to send it to the person or place using a telegram message. (mainly AM)
I’m wiring you some money...
They arranged to ~ the money from the United States...
VERB: V n n, V n prep
If something goes to the ~, it continues until the last possible moment. (mainly JOURNALISM)
Negotiators again worked right down to the ~ to reach an agreement.
see also barbed ~ , high ~ , hot-~ , live ~