n. (also anchoret) (fem. anchoress) 1 a hermit; a religious recluse. 2 a person of secluded habits. anchoretic adj. anchoritic adj.
[ ME f. med.L anc(h)orita, eccl.L anchoreta f. eccl.Gk anakhoretes f. anakhoreo retire ]
n. (also anchoret) (fem. anchoress) 1 a hermit; a religious recluse. 2 a person of secluded habits. anchoretic adj. anchoritic adj.
[ ME f. med.L anc(h)orita, eccl.L anchoreta f. eccl.Gk anakhoretes f. anakhoreo retire ]
Concise Oxford English dictionary. Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка. 2012