I. an·cho·rite ˈaŋkəˌrīt, ˈaiŋ- noun
also an·cho·ret -ˌret
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English ancorite, from Medieval Latin anchorita, alteration (probably influenced by Latin anchora anchor) of Late Latin anachoreta, (assumed) Late Latin anachorita, from Late Greek anachōrētēs, from Greek anachōrein to withdraw, retire, from ana- + chōrein to make room, give way, from chōros place; akin to Greek chēros left, bereaved — more at heir
: one that renounces the world to live in seclusion usually for religious reasons : hermit , recluse
II. an·chor·ite noun
( -s )
Etymology: from Anchor Inn, Caldecote, Nuneaton, England, its locality + English -ite
: a variety of diorite mottled with dark mafic segregations and light feldspathic veins