v. & n.
v. 1 intr. a (of a liquid) start to bubble up and turn into vapour; reach a temperature at which this happens. b (of a vessel) contain boiling liquid (the kettle is boiling). 2 a tr. bring (a liquid or vessel) to a temperature at which it boils. b tr. cook (food) by boiling. c intr. (of food) be cooked by boiling. d tr. subject to the heat of boiling water, e.g. to clean. 3 intr. a (of the sea etc.) undulate or seethe like boiling water. b (of a person or feelings) be greatly agitated, esp. by anger.
n. the act or process of boiling; boiling-point (on the boil; bring to the boil). boil down 1 reduce volume by boiling. 2 reduce to essentials. 3 (foll. by to) amount to; signify basically. boiled shirt a dress shirt with a starched front. boiled sweet Brit. a sweet made of boiled sugar. boil over 1 spill over in boiling. 2 lose one's temper; become over-excited. make one's blood boil see BLOOD.
[ ME f. AF boiller, OF boillir, f. L bullire to bubble f. bulla bubble ]