Meaning of BOIL in English

[boil] vb [ME, fr. OF boillir, fr. L bullire to bubble, fr. bulla bubble] vi (13c) 1 a: to come to the boiling point b: to generate bubbles of vapor when heated--used of a liquid c: to cook in boiling water "the potatoes are ~ing"

2: to become agitated like boiling water: seethe

3: to be moved, excited, or stirred up "made his blood ~"

4. a: to rush headlong b: to burst forth: erupt "water ~ing from a spring"

5: to undergo the action of a boiling liquid ~ vt 1: to subject to the action of a boiling liquid "~ eggs"

2: to heat to the boiling point "~ water"

3: to form or separate (as sugar or salt) by boiling -- adj

[2]boil n [ME, alter. of bile, fr. OE byl; akin to OHG pulla bladder] (15c): a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from infection in a skin gland, having a hard central core, and forming pus [3]boil n (15c) 1: the act or state of boiling

2: a swirling upheaval (as of water)

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