n. 1 a large strong box, esp. for storage or transport e.g. of blankets, tea, etc. 2 a the part of a human or animal body enclosed by the ribs. b the front surface of the body from neck to waist. 3 a small cabinet for medicines etc. 4 a the treasury or financial resources of an institution. b the money available from it. chest of drawers a piece of furniture consisting of a set of drawers in a frame. chest-voice the lowest register of the voice in singing or speaking. get a thing off one's chest colloq. disclose a fact, secret, etc., to relieve one's anxiety about it. play (one's cards, a thing , etc.) close to one's chest colloq. be cautious or secretive about. -chested adj. (in comb.).
[ OE cest, cyst f. Gmc f. L f. Gk kiste ]