n. & v.
n. 1 a the short fine soft hair of certain animals, distinguished from the longer hair. b the skin of such an animal with the fur on it; a pelt. 2 a the coat of certain animals as material for making, trimming, or lining clothes. b a trimming or lining made of the dressed coat of such animals, or of material imitating this. c a garment made of or trimmed or lined with fur. 3 (collect.) furred animals. 4 a a coating formed on the tongue in sickness. b Brit. a coating formed on the inside surface of a pipe, kettle, etc., by hard water. c a crust adhering to a surface, e.g. a deposit from wine. 5 Heraldry a representation of tufts on a plain ground.
v. (furred, furring) 1 tr. (esp. as furred adj.) a line or trim (a garment) with fur. b provide (an animal) with fur. c clothe (a person) with fur. d coat (a tongue, the inside of a kettle) with fur. 2 intr. (often foll. by up) (of a kettle etc.) become coated with fur. 3 tr. level (floor-timbers) by inserting strips of wood. fur and feather game animals and birds. fur-seal a sea lion with a valuable undercoat. make the fur fly colloq. cause a disturbance, stir up trouble. furless adj.
[ ME (earlier as v.) f. OF forrer f. forre, fuerre sheath f. Gmc ]