v. & n.
v. (lapped, lapping) 1 tr. a (also absol.) (usu. of an animal) drink (liquid) with the tongue. b (usu. foll. by up, down) consume (liquid) greedily. c (usu. foll. by up) consume (gossip, praise, etc.) greedily. 2 a tr. (of water) move or beat upon (a shore) with a rippling sound as of lapping. b intr. (of waves etc.) move in ripples; make a lapping sound.
n. 1 a the process or an act of lapping. b the amount of liquid taken up. 2 the sound of wavelets on a beach. 3 liquid food for dogs. 4 sl. a a weak beverage. b any liquor.
[ OE lapian f. Gmc ]