adj. 1 of or based on law; concerned with law; falling within the province of law. 2 appointed or required by law. 3 permitted by law, lawful. 4 recognized by law, as distinct from equity. 5 Theol. a of the Mosaic law. b of salvation by works rather than by faith. legal aid payment from public funds allowed, in cases of need, to help pay for legal advice or proceedings. legal fiction an assertion accepted as true (though probably fictitious) to achieve a useful purpose, esp. in legal matters. legal holiday US a public holiday established by law. legal proceedings see PROCEEDING. legal separation see SEPARATION. legal tender currency that cannot legally be refused in payment of a debt (usu. up to a limited amount for coins not made of gold). legally adv.
[ F légal or L legalis f. lex legis law: cf. LEAL, LOYAL ]