n. 1 the legal union of a man and a woman in order to live together and often to have children. 2 an act or ceremony establishing this union. 3 one particular union of this kind (by a previous marriage). 4 an intimate union (the marriage of true minds). 5 Cards the union of a king and queen of the same suit. by marriage as a result of a marriage (related by marriage). in marriage as husband or wife (give in marriage; take in marriage). marriage bureau an establishment arranging introductions between persons wishing to marry. marriage certificate a certificate certifying the completion of a marriage ceremony. marriage guidance counselling of couples who have problems in married life. marriage licence a licence to marry. marriage lines Brit. a marriage certificate. marriage of convenience a marriage concluded to achieve some practical purpose, esp. financial or political. marriage settlement an arrangement securing property between spouses.
[ ME f. OF mariage f. marier MARRY(1) ]