n. & v.
n. 1 a the natural satellite of the earth, orbiting it monthly, illuminated by the sun and reflecting some light to the earth. b this regarded in terms of its waxing and waning in a particular month (new moon). c the moon when visible (there is no moon tonight). 2 a satellite of any planet. 3 (prec. by the) something desirable but unattainable (promised them the moon). 4 poet. a month.
v. 1 intr. (often foll. by about, around, etc.) move or look listlessly. 2 tr. (foll. by away) spend (time) in a listless manner. 3 intr. (foll. by over) act aimlessly or inattentively from infatuation for (a person). moon boot a thickly-padded boot designed for low temperatures. moon-faced having a round face. over the moon extremely happy or delighted. moonless adj.
[ OE mona f. Gmc, rel. to MONTH ]