— mooner , n. — moonless , adj.
/moohn/ , n.
1. the earth's natural satellite, orbiting the earth at a mean distance of 238,857 miles (384,393 km) and having a diameter of 2160 miles (3476 km).
2. this body during a particular lunar month, or during a certain period of time, or at a certain point of time, regarded as a distinct object or entity. Cf. full moon, half-moon, new moon, waning moon, waxing moon .
3. a lunar month, or, in general, a month.
4. any planetary satellite: the moons of Jupiter.
5. something shaped like an orb or a crescent.
6. moonlight.
7. a platyfish.
8. Slang. the buttocks, esp. when bared.
9. blue moon , a very long period of time: Such a chance comes once in a blue moon.
10. to act or wander abstractedly or listlessly: You've been mooning about all day.
11. to sentimentalize or remember nostalgically: He spent the day mooning about his lost love.
12. to gaze dreamily or sentimentally at something or someone: They sat there mooning into each other's eyes.
13. Slang. to expose one's buttocks suddenly and publicly as a prank or gesture of disrespect.
14. to spend (time) idly: to moon the afternoon away.
15. to illuminate by or align against the moon.
16. Slang. to expose one's buttocks to as a prank or gesture of disrespect.
[ bef. 900; ME mone, OE mona; c. OHG mano, ON mani, Goth mena; akin to G Mond moon, L mensis month, Gk méne moon, Skt masa moon, month ]