n. & v.
n. 1 a any living organism of the kingdom Plantae, usu. containing chlorophyll enabling it to live wholly on inorganic substances and lacking specialized sense organs and the power of voluntary movement. b a small organism of this kind, as distinguished from a shrub or tree. 2 a machinery, fixtures, etc., used in industrial processes. b a factory. 3 colloq. something, esp. incriminating or compromising, positioned or concealed so as to be discovered later.
v.tr. 1 place (a seed, bulb, or growing thing) in the ground so that it may take root and flourish. 2 (often foll. by in, on, etc.) put or fix in position. 3 deposit (young fish, spawn, oysters, etc.) in a river or lake. 4 station (a person etc.), esp. as a spy or source of information. 5 refl. take up a position (planted myself by the door). 6 cause (an idea etc.) to be established esp. in another person's mind. 7 deliver (a blow, kiss, etc.) with a deliberate aim. 8 sl. position or conceal (something incriminating or compromising) for later discovery. 9 a settle or people (a colony etc.). b found or establish (a city, community, etc.). 10 bury. plant-louse a small insect that infests plants, esp. an aphis. plant out transfer (a plant) from a pot or frame to the open ground; set out (seedlings) at intervals. plantable adj. plantlet n. plantlike adj.
[ OE plante & F plante f. L planta sprout, slip, cutting ]