adj., adv., v., & n.
adj. 1 a acting with alacrity; ready. b made, done, etc. readily or at once (a prompt reply). 2 a (of a payment) made forthwith. b (of goods) for immediate delivery and payment.
adv. punctually (at six o'clock prompt). 1 (usu. foll. by to, or to + infin.) incite; urge (prompted them to action). 2 a (also absol.) supply a forgotten word, sentence, etc., to (an actor, reciter, etc.). b assist (a hesitating speaker) with a suggestion. 3 give rise to; inspire (a feeling, thought, action, etc.).
n. 1 a an act of prompting. b a thing said to help the memory of an actor etc. c = PROMPTER 2. d Computing an indication or sign on a VDU screen to show that the system is waiting for input. 2 the time limit for the payment of an account, stated on a prompt note. prompt-book a copy of a play for a prompter's use. prompt-box a box in front of the footlights beneath the stage where the prompter sits. prompt-note a note sent to a customer as a reminder of payment due. prompt side the side of the stage where the prompter sits, usu. to the actor's left. prompting n. promptitude n. promptly adv. promptness n.
[ ME f. OF prompt or L promptus past part. of promere prompt- produce (as PRO-(1), emere take) ]