Meaning of PROMPT in English

[prompt] vt [ME, fr. ML promptare, fr. L promptus prompt] (14c) 1: to move to action: incite

2: to assist (one acting or reciting) by suggesting or saying the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned: cue

3: to serve as the inciting cause of -- n

[2]prompt adj (1784): of or relating to prompting actors [3]prompt adj [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L promptus ready, prompt, fr. pp. of promere to bring forth, fr. pro- forth + emere to take--more at redeem] (15c) 1: being ready and quick to act as occasion demands

2: performed readily or immediately "~ assistance" syn see quick -- adv -- prompt.ness n [4]prompt n, pl prompts (1597) 1 [[1]prompt]: something that prompts: reminder

2. [[3]prompt]: a limit of time given for payment of an account for goods purchased; also: the contract by which this time is fixed

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