Meaning of SHALL in English

v.aux. (3rd sing. present shall; archaic 2nd sing. present shalt as below; past should) (foll. by infin. without to, or absol.; present and past only in use) 1 (in the 1st person) expressing the future tense (I shall return soon) or (with shall stressed) emphatic intention (I shall have a party). 2 (in the 2nd and 3rd persons) expressing a strong assertion or command rather than a wish (cf. WILL(1)) (you shall not catch me again; they shall go to the party). °For the other persons in senses 1, 2 see WILL(1). 3 expressing a command or duty (thou shalt not steal; they shall obey). 4 (in 2nd-person questions) expressing an enquiry, esp. to avoid the form of a request (cf. WILL(1)) (shall you go to France?). shall I? do you want me to?

[ OE sceal f. Gmc ]

Concise Oxford English dictionary.      Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка.