n. & v.
n. (pl. same or snipes) any of various wading birds, esp. of the genus Gallinago, with a long straight bill and frequenting marshes.
v. 1 intr. fire shots from hiding usu. at long range. 2 tr. kill by sniping. 3 intr. (foll. by at) make a sly critical attack. 4 intr. go snipe-shooting. snipe eel any eel of the family Nemichthyidae, having a long slender snout. snipe fish any marine fish of the family Macrorhamphosidae, with a long slender snout. sniper n.
[ ME, prob. f. Scand.: cf. Icel. m°risn¡pa, & MDu., MLG snippe, OHG snepfa ]