n. 1 a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung. 2 singing or vocal music (burst into song). 3 a musical composition suggestive of a song. 4 the musical cry of some birds. 5 a short poem in rhymed stanzas. 6 archaic poetry or verse. for a song colloq. very cheaply. on song Brit. colloq. performing exceptionally well. song and dance colloq. a fuss or commotion. song cycle a set of musically linked songs on a romantic theme. Song of Songs (or of Solomon) a poetic Old Testament book traditionally attributed to Solomon. song sparrow a n. American sparrow, Melospiza melodia, with a characteristic musical song. song thrush a thrush, Turdus philomelos, of Europe and W. Asia, with a song partly mimicked from other birds. songless adj.
[ OE sang f. Gmc (as SING) ]