n. & adj.
n. 1 a a season's produce of grapes. b the wine made from this. 2 a the gathering of grapes for wine-making. b the season of this. 3 a wine of high quality from a single identified year and district. 4 a the year etc. when a thing was made etc. b a thing made etc. in a particular year etc. 5 poet. or rhet. wine.
adj. 1 of high quality, esp. from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person's work. 2 of a past season. vintage car Brit. a car made between 1917 and 1930. vintage festival a carnival to celebrate the beginning of the vintage.
[ alt. (after VINTNER) of ME vendage, vindage f. OF vendange f. L vindemia f. vinum wine + demere remove ]