n. 25B6; noun
there was some doubt as to the caller's identity : UNCERTAINTY, unsureness, indecision, hesitation, dubiousness, suspicion, confusion; queries, questions; formal dubiety.
a weak leader racked by doubt : INDECISION, hesitation, uncertainty, insecurity, unease, uneasiness, apprehension; hesitancy, vacillation, irresolution.
there is doubt about their motives : SCEPTICISM, distrust, mistrust, doubtfulness, suspicion, cynicism, uneasiness, apprehension, wariness, chariness, leeriness; reservations, misgivings, suspicions; formal dubiety.
certainty, conviction.
25B6; verb
they doubted my story : DISBELIEVE, distrust, mistrust, suspect, have doubts about, be suspicious of, have misgivings about, feel uneasy about, feel apprehensive about, query, question, challenge.
I doubt whether he will come : THINK SOMETHING UNLIKELY, have (one's) doubts about, question, query, be dubious.
stop doubting and believe! : BE UNDECIDED, have doubts, be irresolute, be ambivalent, be doubtful, be unsure, be uncertain, be in two minds, hesitate, shilly-shally, waver, vacillate.
25A0; in doubt
the issue was in doubt : DOUBTFUL, uncertain, open to question, unconfirmed, unknown, undecided, unresolved, in the balance, up in the air; informal iffy.
if you are in doubt, ask for advice : IRRESOLUTE, hesitant, vacillating, dithering, wavering, ambivalent; doubtful, unsure, uncertain, in two minds, shilly-shallying, undecided, in a quandary/dilemma; informal sitting on the fence.
25A0; no doubt DOUBTLESS, undoubtedly, indubitably, doubtlessly, without (a) doubt; unquestionably, undeniably, incontrovertibly, irrefutably; unequivocally, clearly, plainly, obviously, patently.